A Message From MaMa Snail ...

Our group is over 28 years old! I am one of the original Snails and now a "back of the pack" walker. I have years and years of running experience but those days are behind me now! During my running years, I finished 20 marathons, many with my fellow Snails.
We train all year long for various distances however there are many, many goals within the group. We've become the biggest Baltimore-based trail and ultra-marathon running group. However, that being said, we have some folks, like me, who have NO desire to ever walk any further than a half-marathon a year and on solid footing only.
We meet as a group every Saturday (all year long) at 7:30 for a group run. We alternate locations between the NCR Trail and Loch Raven Reservoir. In actuality after we start, the group splinters into little groups and people do whatever is on their agenda for the day. I typically walk with 3 to 4 other Snails who are my speed. We typically walk anywhere from 4-6 miles. Runners typically cover 4-14 miles. We meet up for breakfast after the runs.
It's a WONDERFUL group of people. Knowing the Snails has brought me more friendships than I can ever count. It's a group of caring people all sharing the same passion for just being outside and running/walking for health and happiness.
We look forward to meeting you someday. Don't be shy. The group isn't for everyone but I can't think of a better group to hang with on Saturday mornings.
We charge nothing. We generally post weekly on Facebook, our Google Groups email, our Google Calendar, and this website the locations of where we'll be every Saturday. Hope to see you sometime.
Mary "MaMaSnail"!